For whom?

Treść (rozbudowana)


The classes are intended for ŁUD graduates aged 13-17 who want to continue their adventure with ŁUD.

Graduates, that is people who previously participated in Łódzki Uniwersytet Dziecięcy Politechniki Łódzkiej or in Ścieżki Młodych Odkrywców. 
The program includes workshops in biotechnology, chemistry, electronics, mathematics (for youth aged 15-17) and microbiology. Each participant chooses one of the above workshops, which takes place in late October and early November. It is a series of four meetings of 4 lesson hours each. The second element of the course is the preparation of a conference for the participants of ŁUD.

Admissions in late June and early July.
If you are interested, please contact us by phone: (042) 631 28 09 or by email:




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