Volunteer activities

Treść (rozbudowana)

The primary activity of ŁUD volunteers is organizational help during lectures. Nevertheless, during the
15 years of ŁUD, volunteers participated in various projects:

  • In 2014, they actively assisted in the realisation of the first in Poland international conference of children's universities from around the world, which was hosted by ŁUD and organised by EUCUNET - European Children's Universities Network.
  • Between 2013 and 2019, in the spring period, they regularly worked on weekend folklore workshops in Nagawki. The activities included baking bread, watching the life of bees, building bird feeders, folk dancing, meeting a hunter who is also a veterinarian, etc.
  • In 2015, on the 70th anniversary of Politechnika Łódzka, they organised family workshops and tours around the university for whole families. In 2016, they created an outdoor game around the campuses of Politechnika Łódzka.


In 2020, ŁUD became a partner of the international Phereclos project, financed by the Horizon 2020 program. It contributed to the development of volunteering:

  • In 2021, they, among others, organized a children's conference for kids on the competencies of the future, participated in many workshops, created an Instagram account, and interviewed entrepreneurs.
  • They performed at the Digital Youth Forum. Link to the presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUcG7P4EFKY&t=13478s (presentation by ŁUD volunteers at 3:34)
  • In 2022, they became tutors for students from five schools in our region. The students, following the example of volunteers, also prepared conferences in their schools.
  • During the summer, ŁUD volunteers conducted workshops for kids from the university for children in Vienna.
  • At the beginning of September, they conducted workshops for the participants of the conference in Bucharest, which was closing the Phereclos project.


Their latest challenge was to prepare and deliver a lecture for ŁUD participants, which took place on September 24, 2022.

ŁUD volunteers spread their wings, acquire new competencies, learn management and organization, and speak to a broad audience. They overcome their weaknesses and courageously pursue their resolutions. Congratulations! We, the organizers of ŁUD, are proud of them and watch their further personal development.

ŁUD volunteers were also involved in other projects carried out at PŁ: Otylia Swim Cup, Dreamer's Day (Dzień Marzyciela) - breaking the Guinness record at PŁ, European Universities Games - EUSA Games Łódź 2022, Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP).


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