Conferences for children

Treść (rozbudowana)

As part of the international project Phereclos - Partnerships for pathways to Higher Education and science engagement in Regional Clusters of Open Schooling conducted in 2019-2022, we invited schools to organize conferences for children by children together. Having experience working with Primary School No. 81 in Łódź and with ŁUD volunteers who organized the conference in 2021, we decided to continue the initiative.

We invited several schools to cooperate. They could benefit from a series of workshops:
•    How to prepare a conference?
•    How to select a group of students?
•    How to choose a topic?
•    How to prepare surveys?
•    How to conduct interviews?
•    How to prepare for speeches/speaker training.

The results were admirable. The students acquired many competencies that will certainly be useful at school, in everyday life and in future work.

Students from the Primary School in Dalików prepared a conference for their friends titled "Healthy lifestyle". Topics included a healthy diet, mental health and good practices. Students conducted school surveys, interviews with interesting people and lots of workshops. They gained valuable information and great experience.
In the end, they recorded short statements about why it is worth getting involved in additional initiatives:

Dzieci z SP w Dalikowie w czasie konferencji dla dzieci
Plakat dotyczący konferencji przygotowanej przes uczniów SP Dalików










In the Primary School in Zygry, a group of students organized a conference for children on the topic: "Mental health of teenagers". From October 2021, they worked on preparing workshops and speeches. In April, ŁUD volunteers visited the Primary School in Zygry, organized workshops for those preparing for the conference and shared their experience of working on the project.

Zdjęcie grupowe dzieci z SP Zygry z wolontariuszami ŁUD

Zdjęcie dzieci z SP Zygry z wolontariuszami w czasie warsztatów









Students of Primary School No. 91, with the support of students from Primary School No. 1 in Brzeziny and children from the Be Smart language school, prepared a conference titled "Space our world", which took place on May 27. However, they were not speakers themselves. They invited lecturers. The guest of honour was Artur Chmielewski from NASA. The workshops were conducted by Ada Pawlak and Natalia Zalewska. As many as 250 participants signed up to participate in the online conference.


As part of the Local Educational Cluster Łódź, we will continue the above initiatives.
In 2023, students of XXI LO im. Bolesława Prusa in Łódź continue their project tasks and will organize a conference. This time the topic discusses the principles of creating law. Details soon on Facebook ŁUD PŁ. We keep our fingers crossed for the students and wish them good luck!

Schools willing to cooperate, please contact us:, tel. 42 631 28 09.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824630 from 2019-2022” 


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