
Treść (rozbudowana)

Miniphänomenta is a mini science centre for independent experimentation at the school corridor during break times. The author of Miniphänomenta is Professor Lutz Fiesser from Flensburg.

Plakat dotyczący wystawy Miniphaenomenta


In 2015, the professor was invited to the KMO Forum at the Copernicus Science Centre, where he presented the assumptions of Miniphänomenta. Between the years 2016 and 2018, ŁUD cooperated with the professor. He came to Politechnika Łódzka to conduct trainings for teachers.
As a result of these trainings, Miniphänomenta was rented to more than 30 primary schools. In some of the schools, students with their parents built experimental stations using the professor's instructions.

Interested schools please contact us:





Schools where Miniphänomenta will be created in 2023:

Edukacja MBP w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim - 1-15 February
Łódź SP NR 174 – second half of February
Łódź SP NR 139 - March
Łódź SP NR 206 - March
Zgierz SP NR 10 - May

List of schools in our region where Miniphänomenta was:

Łódź SP Nr 1
Łódź SP Nr 2
Łódź SP Nr 10
Łódź SP Nr 14
Łódź SP Nr 19
Łódź SP Nr 34
Łódź SP Nr 41
Łódź SP NR 42
Łódź SP Nr 48
Łódź SP NR 51
Łódź SP Nr 65
Łódź SP NR 67
Łódź SP Nr 71
Łódź SP Nr 81
Łódź SP Nr 116
Łódź SP Nr 122
Łódź SP Nr 173
Łódź SP Nr 184
Łódź SP Nr 199
Konstantynów Łódzki SP 5
Pabianice PS NR 17
Szadek ZS
Turek SP Nr 1
Zgierz SP NR 1


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