How to become a volunteer?

Treść (rozbudowana)

If you are over 12 years old and at least once you have been a student of Łódzki Uniwersytet Dziecięcy Politechniki Łódzkiej, you have a unique chance to see ŁUD from behind the scenes. We have created an opportunity that combines fun, learning, and work. What you have only observed so far as a participant of ŁUD will now become your contribution. Your tasks will include, among others, introducing children to the auditorium, showing them their seats, and stamping indexes.

You will receive a t-shirt, volunteer ID card, and certificate of volunteering after the first year of participation. You will also have the opportunity to attend lectures.

If you want to help us create Łódzki Uniwersytet Dziecięcy, you can submit your candidacy to: Your decision must be deliberate. It is not only fun but also responsible work. Before accepting you as a volunteer, we will want to meet with you and get to know you better. We accept all willing candidates, but sometimes you might have to wait.

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